Pineapple Tidbits: Blogs

Blended Learning: The Blueprint for Modern Workforce Development

Written by Tucker Graves | May 16, 2024 3:17:31 PM

Across nearly every industry, traditional methods of employee training are becoming increasingly outdated. As the CEO and Co-Founder of an e-learning platform, I've seen firsthand the transformative impact of blended learning on developing employees in frontline service industries. Blended learning combines the best of both worlds: in-person training in a live setting along with online, digital learning, offering a flexible and effective way to enhance employee skills and knowledge.


What is blended learning?

Blended learning takes a holistic approach to retaining information by taking advantage of various learning styles and technologies to deliver a comprehensive training experience. By combining in-person sessions with online microlearning modules, employees can learn at their own pace and convenience, ensuring better information retention and application.

One of the key components of blended learning is microlearning, which delivers content in short, bite-sized chunks. This approach is incredibly effective in complementing traditional training methods, as it allows employees to quickly grasp and retain information. Studies have shown that microlearning can ensure retention rates upwards of 70%, making it an invaluable tool in employee development. Recent reports show that nearly 75% of employers can’t find staff with the right blend of technical and soft skills. Microlearning is your go-to solution to train and upskill talent with a minimal time investment.

Our school systems across America are also praising the benefits of blended learning. In fact, since the pandemic, our schools have supported the blended learning model, as it yields better outcomes in education vs. traditional in-person only.


The Forgetting Curve

One of the biggest challenges in training is combating the Forgetting Curve. This phenomenon, discovered by Hermann Ebbinghaus, highlights how information is quickly forgotten if not reinforced. Studies into the phenomena showed that 50% of all information received was forgotten within an hour, unless revisited. Blended learning, with its frequent and targeted reinforcement through microlearning, helps counteract the Forgetting Curve, ensuring that employees retain crucial information for longer periods.

Let's talk about the practical implications of the strategy. Want to know how much time your staff wastes every shift? Employees are shown to spend at least 2 hours every day (or 25% of their work week!) searching for information they need to complete their duties. This is an insane waste of time and resources. Blended learning, with its emphasis on easily accessible information, can drastically reduce this time, allowing employees to focus on their core responsibilities.

And as if leadership teams didn’t have enough on their plate already, managers are often the ones being bombarded with interruptions from employees seeking re-training or answers to basic questions. Blended learning empowers employees to find solutions themselves through their resources, reducing the burden on managers and improving overall efficiency.


What’s the ROI on Blended Learning?

From a financial standpoint, the ROI on blended learning is clear. By ensuring that workers have access to vital information when they need it, companies can significantly reduce costs associated with training and re-training. Employees who train using blended learning can produce results 25% faster and have a higher completion rate on required training. Compared to employing a full-time trainer, video-based learning through platforms like Pineapple Academy offers a cost-effective and scalable solution.

To understand the strategy, you must first understand that an informed employee is an empowered employee. Our platform is designed to foster a culture of continuous learning and growth, ensuring that every team member has the tools they need to excel in their roles.


Final Thought

Blended learning isn’t just a buzzword; it's a game-changer in employee development and the transfer of knowledge. By combining the best elements of traditional and digital tactics, blended learning revolutionizes the way employees and organizations learn and grow. Embracing this approach is not just about staying ahead of the curve; it's about setting the standard for employee development in the digital age.

Want to explore deeper? Let’s setup a time to talk here.
