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How to Convince Your Boss to Invest in Better Employee Training

You’re a learning and development leader.

You know your staff needs an outstanding onboarding and training experience to fuel the success of the team and the overall organization.

So, you do a ton of online research, sit through conference calls and product demos until you find the perfect match for your operation.

And then you remember… you need to get a group of executives to buy-in on the idea.

How will it work? How does it fit into the budget? Will the employees actually use it? Does it make a difference in our bottom line?

The process can be daunting.

So, we wanted to help you out. Here's a compelling case backed by real data to present to executives when asking for approval on adopting frontline training programs like Pineapple Academy. You can thank us later.


The Long-Term Perspective

Investing in onboarding and training isn't just about short-term gains. It lays the foundation for sustained success, creating a skilled, motivated workforce that propels the company forward. The strategic foresight in adopting training programs pays dividends in increased productivity, innovation, and employee loyalty over time.

Here are some facts to accentuate your point:

  1. Retention Boost: Effective onboarding processes boost new hire retention by a staggering 82%. This directly translates to reduced turnover costs and a stable, skilled workforce.
  2. Employee Engagement and Satisfaction: Onboarding is pivotal in fostering high employee engagement and job satisfaction, contributing to a positive workplace culture. Engaged employees are more likely to stay committed and contribute meaningfully to organizational goals.
  3. Cost-Effectiveness: Contrary to misconceptions, onboarding is an investment with a substantial return. The average cost of training an employee is $1,678, making it a cost-effective strategy for long-term organizational success.
  4. Strategic Business Growth: Businesses with a strong onboarding and training process witness an impressive 60% yearly revenue increase. This underlines the direct correlation between properly training staff and overall business growth.


Now that you’ve got some data to work with, it’s important to zoom out and look at the training program as a whole.

How does the program work? How will employees access the training? Will they train individually or as a group? Do we need special equipment for the program’s success?

These are the questions that will be flying at you.

And they’re important.

Having a well-thought-out plan for implementation is key – otherwise your training attempts could fall flat on their face. At Pineapple Academy, we provide a robust implementation guide, making it easy to pick up and run. Some of these resources include playlists of training content for various job roles, recommended onboarding content by industry, core competency and regulatory compliance checklists, support from a Customer Success Team, and more. Make sure that whichever platform you’re going with sets you up for success!

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Tracking Results

It won’t matter if you have the greatest training program ever known to humans – it won’t be worth squat if you can’t track the results it’s getting. You’ll need to show some stats to your organization in order to continue getting funding for the program. This should include who is taking the trainings, which content they’re consuming, their proficiency in completing tasks, as well as keeping tabs on employee turnover, and whether the program is making an impact. It’s also important to create a plan to upskill and retrain your employees throughout the year.

Pineapple Academy: Tailored for Frontline Excellence

Pineapple Academy stands out as a specialized solution designed to onboard and train frontline staff. With a focus on practical, skills-based learning, Pineapple Academy ensures that deskless employees are equipped with the skills and knowledge essential for delivering exceptional service.

Our comprehensive video micro-learning approach make it a valuable asset for businesses committed to operational excellence.

Want to see how it works? Fill out the form and let our team show you how easy it is to use.




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