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The Secret to Training Your Gen-Z and Millennial Workforce

When it comes to training today’s workforce, one thing is clear: we can’t do things like we used to.

Younger Millennials and Gen-Z workers have grown up in a world saturated with digital content, where video is ingrained into everything. Apps like YouTube, TikTok and Instagram consume a huge part of our lives. So, if you’re still relying on long-form slideshows and person-to-person methods to train your team, this article is your wakeup call.

These younger generations consume video content like water, and if you want your training to stick, you’ve got to meet them where they’re at.

So, let’s get into the secrets behind training your Millennial and Gen-Z workforce.

The Evolution of Learning Styles

We’ll start with the basics: everyone learns differently.

Some people are visual learners, some are more hands-on, and others prefer reading or listening. But the one thing that’s universally clear? Millennials and Gen-Z are glued to their screens, especially when it comes to learning something new. 90% of Millennials and Zoomers have their smartphones with them at all times, and more than half use their phones for 5 hours or more per day.

smartphone learning

The days of sitting through hour-long training sessions or clicking through endless slides are over. These workers want quick, engaging content they can digest in the time it takes to listen to their favorite song.

Attention spans have been on a downward spiral, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing—it’s just a reality we have to work with. And because of this change, if your content doesn’t hook someone in the first few seconds, it’s game over. That’s why delivering information in a short, snappy format is more important than ever. 5 minutes or less is the sweet spot for keeping your team’s attention and ensuring they actually absorb the material.

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Why Short-Form Video Works

Here’s where video comes in. Not only is it the primary way younger workers consume content, but it’s also proven to be incredibly effective. A short video is easier to remember, more engaging, and can convey complex information in a fraction of the time.

streaming smartphone camera content creator-1

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You can’t scroll through social media without tripping over a short video clip, and that’s because video has become the primary way to get information across to younger generations. Whether it’s TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram Reels, they’re used to receiving—and retaining—information through bite-sized, visual snippets.

Platforms like Pineapple Academy take advantage of this by offering microlearning training —short, targeted videos that demonstrate skills and procedures that are quick and easy to consume. 

We’ve seen firsthand how powerful these short-form videos can be. By breaking down complex topics into digestible, action-packed clips, you not only keep your team’s attention but also significantly boost retention. After all, it’s not about how much you can cram into a session—it’s about how much they walk away with.


Meet Workers Where They’re At

If there’s one piece of advice I can give you, it’s this: meet your workers where they’re at.

Millennials and Gen-Z are constantly on the move, and their training needs to keep up. They don’t want to be stuck in a conference room, staring at a slideshow from 2005. They want training that fits into their workflow, that they can access on their phones or a shared tablet, and that doesn’t waste their time.

This is where short-form video training really shines. Imagine a scenario where a frontline worker can pull out their phone, watch a 3-minute video on the fly, and immediately apply what they’ve learned. It’s efficient, effective, and fits perfectly into the fast-paced environment of frontline work.

Check out how we do it at Pineapple Academy:


Turn Your Knowledge into Content

The Forgetting Curve shows that we forget 50% of what we’ve learned in an hour. Video is a powerful tool in battling the Forgetting Curve. When information is presented visually and audibly in a short, focused format, it’s more likely to be retained. And with the ability to revisit these videos whenever necessary, workers can refresh their memory at the exact moment they need it, ensuring that the knowledge stays fresh and applicable.

By also providing a tool for anyone to be able to easily capture their knowledge in a short video and share it with their staff, we can overcome our forgetful nature and drive home important information.

*Want to share your professional knowledge with the world? Become a Pineapple Academy Creator and get paid when users stream your content.


Conclusion: The Power of Short-Form Video Training

If there’s one takeaway from all this, it’s that the way we train our workforce needs to evolve. Millennials and Gen-Z have shown us that short-form videos are not just a trend—they’re the future of effective training. By delivering content in quick, digestible formats, we’re not only capturing their attention but also ensuring that the information sticks. And with tools like Pineapple Academy, it’s easier than ever to turn knowledge into training content that resonates.

Final Thought

So, let’s embrace the shift. Let’s meet our workers where they’re at, respect their time, and use the tools that work for them. In doing so, we’ll build a more engaged, informed, and capable workforce—one short video at a time.

Learn more about creating short training videos for your staff by filling out the form below.

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